Intuitive interface to coordinate working hours between globally distributed teams.
Uses visual indicators to represent time zone relationships to determine best meeting and collaboration times.
Simplicity & ease of use are the key elements of this project.
Business Time Widget is a home screen widget that shows overlapping business hours for different time zones.
Extremely useful for people who collaborate with others who are in different parts of the world. Save yourself from calculating the time difference and missing appointments.
Business Time lets you figure out compatible hours at a glance.
- After installing, open the app and select a few zones.
- You can add as many time zones as you want, but only a top 6 will show up in the widget (for now).
- You can long click on a zone to delete it if you want.
- Add widget to your home screen. The widget is 4x3 so make sure your screen has enough space.
- The widget only updates every 1 minute (60 seconds), so your changes will show up on the next update.
- The widget is only accurate to 1h ATM (this will change to be accurate down to 4min in the next updates).
- Only updates when phone is awake.
- Extremely efficient, almost no extra battery usage to run this widget.
- Small download size, small memory footprint.
- Dynamically generated GUI.
- Add linear widget.
- Ordering of time zones.
- Ability to set custom working hours for each time zone.
- Ability to set colors for time zones.
- Automatic ordering of time zones.
- Set widget update frequency.
* Please let us know of any issues you encounter via email.
Version 1.3
- First time users guide (instructions)
- Best business time indicator (shows most time zone overlaps)
- Optimized code.
- Added new language.
- Fixed bugs.
Version 1.2.3
- Added application settings.
- Show date on each time zone label option added.
- Show past hours overlay option added.
- Hide local time zone option added.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Optimized code.
Version 1.2.2
- Optimize code for efficiency.
- Added support for large screen, high pixel density devices.
- Improve look and feel of application preferences.
- Renamed application icon & shortcuts.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 1.2.1
- New and improved interface.
- Fixed some bugs.
Version 1.2
- Improved quality of widget output (looks sharper on all devices)
- Clicking widget opens application settings.
- Filtering via input field on add time zone screen.
- Improve colors of time zones.
Here we keep track of known issues and bugs that our users have noticed. If they are in this list they are probably minor and appear on only a few specific devices, usually older models.
- Widget not appearing until until a restart after the first install (only on older devices).
- "Installing time zone widget" toast message appears when widget it updated.